JobAccomm from the commencement of establishment are committed to taking appropriate steps to ensure that everyone who works for JobAccomm and its affiliates (“JobAccomm”), whether that relates to a staff member or supplier, benefits from a working environment in which their fundamental rights and freedoms are respected.
We fully acknowledge the principles and our responsibilities (the “Values”) as provided for in the UN’s International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and local laws in the jurisdictions in which we are active that reflect those provisions, such as the UK’s Modern Slavery Act. These Values apply within our business and within our supply chain and include:
- respect for the dignity of the individual;
- recognition of the importance of each individual’s human rights;
- securing and increasing equality of opportunity and inclusion;
- not accepting any form of discrimination, harassment or bullying; and
- not tolerating any form of slavery, human trafficking of forced or compulsory labour.
These Values inform all of our policies and processes related to the rights and freedoms of every person who works for us, or with us through our supply chain. We have also developed and implemented policies and processes which are intended to extend these commitments to the Values through our supply chain.
Codes and Guidelines:
To this end, JobAccomm has introduced a number of Codes of Conduct and Guidelines to ensure our adherence to the Values. It has continued and will continue to update these Codes and Guidelines throughout 2021 – 2022 to reflect the Values and international best practices. These include an Employee Code of Conduct, an Anti-Discrimination/Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment/Grievance Guideline, a Gifts and Anti-Bribery Guideline, and Whistleblowing Guidelines. These apply to every person working for JobAccomm, and require all JobAccomm staff members to act ethically and comply with applicable legal requirements at all times. JobAccomm has also introduced a Supplier Code of Conduct (the “SCC”) to ensure all of our suppliers adhere to the Values within their operations by complying with all local laws, adhering to best standards in terms of health and safety, avoiding corruption and bribery of any kind, not employing children, avoiding any form of forced, bonded or compulsory labour, making reasonable efforts to bind its supply chain to the principles of the SCC, maintaining relevant documentation to demonstrate compliance with the SCC, and reporting to JobAccomm any known or suspected violations of the SCC.
Training & Monitoring Compliance:
In 2021 JobAccomm will continue to provide training, instruction and support to its staff members to ensure their adherence to JobAccomm’s Codes and Guidelines, to help them understand the underlying Values and practical application and implications of those Values. JobAccomm’s Legal Team and Human Resources Team monitor JobAccomm’s compliance with best practices and adherence to the Values on an ongoing basis, and adjust those policies and processes accordingly. Finally, JobAccomm has appointed a Director of Social Impact to implement practices and programs that support those Values.
JobAccomm Ltd.
Registered address: 13 Harbour Road, Dalkey, Dublin, A96 FN44 Ireland.
March 19, 2021